If you've read enough my blog entries, you'd almost think I'm anti avant-prog. And that would not be a true statement. There are some gems in that space that I truly treasure. But like the genres already listed, I continued on long past my interest in it. And over the years, I've found the music to be too cold and calculated. I'm looking for more warm and melodic music these days. So it just hasn't aged well for me. Zeuhl is here out of convenience, though I don't think they're really related. But they do have some crossover. A few bands with a Zeuhl pedigree went on to perform avant prog music (Univers Zero perhaps being the most famous). There are parallels in the overall sound. Zeuhl is a genre, however, I continue to seek out. Only a handful haven't made the grade.
Miriodor - Jongleries Elastiques. 1996 Cuneiform. I don't think I ever liked this band from Quebec, as hard as I tried to. The circus element that exists in avant prog is probably the most irritating element of the genre to me, and Miriodor thrived on it. I owned every album by this band through Mekano (2001). And every one of them has been sold off now. This was the last.
Magma - Felicite Thosz. 2012 Seventh. Sacrilege! You cry out. I know, I kind of feel the same way. Magma's discography isn't perfect though. All the same, most of their albums are first division, some at the very top of the pyramid. This album seemed more perfunctory than kinetic. Much of their post 2000 work has been terrific, some of the best music they ever made. Making this album that much more of a disappointment. This is the last album I bought by them. I certainly won't turn down a good offer on their latest efforts though.
Koenji Hyakkei - Nivraym. 2009 Skin Graft. Another band I felt guilted to like, but I never really did. I never cared for Tatsuya Yoshida's brand of all-intense-all-the-time styled Zeuhl. The best part of Magma is their building and release of the climax. With a keen ear for melody. None of which are present with this band. I once owned them all. I still have Angherr Shisspa. Hopefully that one will still resonate positively whenever I get to it.
Koenji Hyakkei - Hundred Sights of Koenji. 1994 God Mountain. I bought this when it came out, very excited to hear the new sensation of Zeuhl. I didn't like it then much either. So naturally I kept buying all of their CDs and I kept this for 28 years. What the hell was I doing? hahaha.
Krakatoa - Togetherness. 2001 etherdrag. Strange this one. I'm really fond of We Are the Rowboats, a wonderful mix of avant prog, post rock, and neo psychedelia. But this title was more of the former. I still have their debut Plan Ahead as well, and I have no recollection of it whatsoever. Obviously rooting for a Rowboats like experience. One day we'll find out.
Las Orejas y La Lengua - Error. 2003 Viajero Inmovil. A similar tale to Krakatoa. Their debut possessed this wonderful Canterbury element. But all that warmness was removed here. Like all of these albums (good time for a reminder), I do like them. Just not enough.
Sotos - Platypus. 2002 Cuneiform. I remember when Sotos first hit the marketplace, I was very excited about them. How my tastes have changed. Both didn't make the cut. There's a *ton* of music on these discs. To me it was like going into a library and I'd have endless time to look through the books I was interested in. But then I realized I wasn't that interested in what I was reading.
Sotos. 1999 Gazul. Ta-dah!
Bondage Fruit - IV. 1999 Gazul. 10 years ago if you'd asked me if I liked Bondage Fruit, I would have enthusiastically stated YES. And I owned 5 of the 6 CDs they made (including the rare Japanese ones). Today I own zero, this being the last one. What happened? Too cold and calculated for me. I don't get any highs here. Just a lot of music notes.
various - Lost Years in Labyrinth. 1991 Belle Antique. A nice selection of 4 avant prog bands from Japan. This goes back to a time (early 90s) where music like this was more foundational for me than superfluous. I think I held onto it as an obligation though lol. Besides I do like Zypressen and their one album. I'm still OK letting this one go.
Picchio dal Pozzo - Camere Zimmer Rooms. 2001 Cuneiform. I adore Picchio's debut, a fantastic Canterbury styled album. Their sophomore effort is a big let down comparatively. I only keep it because I have the original LP and the 16 minute finale is great. This archival release is like the second album minus the one great track. Huge disappointment though I managed to keep it for over 20 years anyway.
Present - High Infidelity. 2001 Carbon 7. Present are one of the bands in the avant prog genre I really enjoy. I continue to own 5 of their first 6 albums. This title (their 7th) was one too many, however, and I stopped collecting any further Present albums from here.
Panzerpappa - Koralrevens Klagesang. 2006 Hangar B. Panzerpappa were another band that came in with a lot of enthusiasm surrounding them (ever notice how I avoid the word "hype"? Hype is purposely deceiving. Enthusiasm is genuinely excited). It was all lost on me unfortunately. I remember hearing about a Canterbury influence, but it's muted for the most part. I sold Farlig Vandring a few years ago. That leaves Astromalist whose judgement day awaits.
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