Friday, December 10, 2021

Wrathchild America - Climbin' the Walls. 1989 USA-Virginia

Here's a blast from the past. I bought this real time at a record store in Evansville, Indiana while touring through. In the mid 90s when I did the great LP purge (still no regrets believe it or not, made plenty of money for the collection, and most I could care less about), this was part of that. My opinion of this kind of metal has softened over the years, and when a local b&m had it on "their wall", I used some trade credit to nail it. Musically it belongs to thrash metal, but of the wordy kind. From the Virginia area, Wrathchild America (who appended America to avoid confusion with the UK glam group) had a few more ideas per meter than the average thrash band of the era. The style was already becoming a bit tired, and only the most inventive bands were keeping it alive. And they threw in a cover of Pink Floyd's 'Time', so it wasn't only Voivod looking backwards to a proggy past in 1989. Good one here. 

Ownership: LP: 1989 Atlantic. Single sleeve. Obtained as noted above.


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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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