Monday, September 21, 2020

Klaus Schulze - Body Love. 1977 Germany

Well it's Klaus Schulze circa 1977, so there's no surprises here at all. It's music that was used for a pornographic film, but the music really doesn't match the topic. It's more rhythmic than Mirage, in line with Moondawn perhaps. If you're a Schulze fan, it's one to add to the collection, but this isn't one of his more revolutionary albums.

Ownership: LP: 1977 Metronome. This is the original with the movie set shots. Certainly wasn't going to do well here in the States looking like that (and other more conservative countries back in 1977), so they made an "export version" that was considerably less risque. I've owned this copy for many years, snatched up on ebay.

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