Friday, December 10, 2021

Manchester Bridge Band - Mysteries / I Get By. 1971 USA-Pennsylvania

Who the Manchester Bridge Band were is anyone's guess, so 'Mysteries' indeed. The first side is pure dreamy psych, with haunting organ and trippy vocals. Kind of like Music Emporium. I love this style, and you just don't hear it that much. 'I Get By' picks up the tempo with some fine rhythm guitar, active bass work, and snotty vocals. Which leads to a ripping mid song fuzz solo. This is an excellent two sider. 

OK, I found a newspaper article from 1971 advertising a show by the band and that they were from Ohio. Have to presume it's the same group.  45cat lists the record at 1971 as well. Wow - no wonder nobody heard of them. Waaay too late for this kind of sound. Which is cool with me!

12/10/21 update: As you can see in the comments, Cleveland is not right either, though it's very possible they would have played there. We're now being told Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, which is northeast of Pittsburgh.

Ownership: SP: 1971 Comet. Online acquisition from last year. Also featured in our unknown vinyl blog.

5/16/21 (new entry); 12/10/21 


  1. They were actually from Pennsylvania...the Punxsutawney area. Dick Miller (vocals) was my grandfather. My dad actually went on the road with them sometimes when he was young.

    1. Ah very cool - thanks for letting me know! If you more info, please let me know. Would love to learn more!

    2. Looking to buy the 45 they made, Mysteries, if anyone can help, even if I can transferee to digital.

  2. Robert Chango is my Uncle he lives in Maryland now. My mother still lives in the Punxsutawney area. I was raised with Dick Millers sister she also still lives in the Punxsutawney area. What else would you like to know? I can possible find out.

    1. Would Dicks sister have a copy of the 45, Mysteries , Im from Punxsy, Thx

  3. Hello, I'm Jim Barnoff and I was rhythm guitarist and backup vocalist for the Manchester Bridge Band. The members included myself, Dave Black (bass, vocals), Bob Chango (lead guitar, lead vocals), Phil Cushing, (drums) and Dick Miller (piano, B-3 and vocals). Dick, Bob and I were the songwriters of the two compositions on this record. We were together from early 1970 until 1974. I joined the band in 1971. Dick and I had played previously in a band called The Black Watch and Dave and Bob had previously played in a band called The Fables. Phil, our drummer, was still in high school at the time of this recording. All of us grew up in Punxsutawney, PA, home of Punxsutawney Phil, the world famous groundhog. We traveled to Nashville TN early in '71 to record this record.


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