Sunday, December 17, 2023

Starr - Memories Never Die. 1981 USA-Colorado

Starr were a band from down the road in Pueblo, who released the consummate 1981 mix of hard rock, AOR, and progressive rock. What I've come to identify with the sound of the Midwest. Pueblo is an honorary member of that region. For those that know my southern neighbor, it's nothing of what you would associate Colorado with. You're just a heck of a lot closer to the mountains, but otherwise Pueblo feels more like St. Joseph, Missouri. The steel mills are still active, and when you see the downtown, it looks like the industrial revolution is upon us. Old dilapidated homes are falling down next to beautiful renovations. Colorado is uber expensive, but Pueblo is very affordable, and slightly dangerous. Just recently I was down there (like a month ago) and while walking the parking lot, a shooting occurred on the other side of it. I just kept walking. All in a typical day I suppose.

I bring all that data here, because it paints the picture of Starr and other bands from Pueblo looking to get out of their situation via the music biz. There's even more product in the 45 world, and I feature a band called Chance in my Unknown Vinyl Records blog. The music is just a bullseye for the era. There's at least four superbly crafted proggy hard rock tracks here, and even the songs that shoot for radio airplay, are very well done. Yes, Starr should have made it. Maybe just a tad too late for the limelight though. Look at that double guitar on the back. Reminds me of Ethos. Musically it kind of does too, though with a 1981 sensibility. I love albums like this.

Ownership: LP: 1981 private. Single sleeve. Recent acquisition from Tiger Records here in town (2023). I'm pretty sure I owned this in the mid 90s in my first tour of duty in Colorado Springs, but it wasn't to my taste then.

Despite being a private press - and possessing excellent music - this album is much more affordable than others of its ilk. No idea as to why that is. It's not common here, I can tell you that. This is the first copy I've found in the last five years of hardcore crate digging. No reissues exist.

12/16/23 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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