Saturday, December 16, 2023

Farm. 1971 USA-Illinois

About eight years ago I wrote for RYM:

I have a somewhat long history with this album. Back in the late 1980s when Genius Hans was just starting his career (such as it was), I was a computer programmer/developer for a tax software company. Yes, a tax software firm. Real cube dweller stuff. Sexy job, eh? One of the accountant's I worked with, and who I had become friendly with, was from Illinois, and he was about 15 years older than I. His wife - yes his wife - was once the main squeeze of a band member from... (oh c'mon guess?). And yes, she had the original album in her possession! And they let me borrow it. I liked it then... just as I like it now. It's a bit outside of my strike zone, but for guitar driven hard blues rock, mostly instrumental, it's quite good.

Naturally I asked if she was willing to sell it. Naw - too many memories. No telling if they still have it, but I'll guess yes. He just recently retired too (lucky bastard).

I never did buy the doggone thing. I should probably get one of the reissues just for the memories.


And I finally did just that - obtain a physical copy. Not much more to add from last night's listen, this is a special album for me because of the story above. Otherwise I probably wouldn't allocate precious collection space for a reissue LP such as this. In addition to what I say above, early The Allman Brothers comes to mind as a major influence, and the final track is a cover of 'Statesboro Blues', so there you have it. It's a short album, barely clearing 26 minutes.

Ownership: LP: 2022 Guerssen. Single sleeve with obi. Contains a four page insert that includes an interview from It's Psychedelic Baby. Also has some photos and other memorabilia. 

Originals haven't gotten any cheaper, but I can tell you Farm was going for a similar price in 1990. And I told my friend that back then. Some things will remain scarce. One wonders if that market ever softens.

1990; 1/18/16 (RYM); 12/15/23 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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