Thursday, June 18, 2020

Jericho Jones - Junkies Monkeys & Donkeys. 1971 Israel

The Churchill's decided to relocate to England and changed their name to Jericho Jones. By 1971, the band had not only moved to a new country, but also moved their sound forward into the 70s. Mostly Junkies Monkeys & Donkeys is a hard rock album but with psychedelic undertones. It's a fine transitional album that leads to their 3rd album masterpiece (IMO) - Jericho. In some ways it's their most "safe" release, but there's plenty of meat on the bone here to enjoy.

Ownership: CD: 2003 Hed-Arzi. Recent acquisition. See Churchill's entry for more detail. There is a mistake in the track listings though. There are actually 18 tracks on the CD, and it does include the full Junkies Monkeys & Donkeys album (Discogs has this wrong currently).

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