Thursday, June 25, 2020

T2 - T.2. (Fantasy; 1970). 1970 England (archival)

Yet another album languishing in my collection with no recollection from me. T2 are one of those bands that have much more archival material than what was originally released. And as such I find myself not recounting which one I have. Also it doesn't help that this title has been released with at least 3 different names. Now with Discogs' help, the T2 catalog has come into focus. This archival release was recorded after their debut album, and was intended to be part of a second album that never came to fruition. As such the material is very similar. I'd submit it's more progressive than It'll All Work Out in Boomland, but less hard rocking. And it's truly archival, so the tapes are a bit shop worn, and it's not always the greatest of sound quality. But good enough, especially for material as strong as this. Much more mellotron use this time around as well. While the Boomland album most assuredly shines brighter, T2 fans won't want to miss out on this one.

Ownership: CD: 2000 Acme. Decent issue with a short history.

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