Thursday, June 11, 2020

Remedy - The Golden Voice Sessions. 1970-1974 USA-Illinois (archival)

Like last week's Freedom North, Remedy were yet another band I recently discovered via a 45 rpm release. In this case, it lead me to an obscure archival album called The Golden Voice Sessions. Of the two tracks on the 7", only one was really any good. Fortunately, the excellent track 'Prayer for the People' was the representation of the album, and the weak song (both tracks are here) is the only one like that. This is a very strong early 70s styled Midwest hard rock album with progressive rock aspirations. Plenty of great organ and guitars. Good songwriting too. One of many bands that should have made it. It's never too late to discover right? There's some moments here that recall the great Micah. Some of you are probably thinking that the Golden Voice Studios sound familiar, and you would be right. Many famous Midwest bands found themselves down in Pekin to record their albums (Head East, Styx, Starcastle, and many more). Definitely one to seek out.

Ownership: LP: 2016 Alona's Dream. Recent online acquisition. Single sleeve. Comes with a very informative insert with a full history of the band. Unfortunately they don't date each of the tracks, except for the single which is from 1974. In fact, the insert says the recordings go to 1975, so there's some inconsistencies as well. Nevertheless, a great archival release (excellent sound too).

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UMR update

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