Thursday, June 11, 2020

Shiva - Firedance. 1982 England

I'm such a sucker for the older NWOBHM bands, before they felt compelled to be in lockstep with the "scene", and here they just sort of made things up as they went along. Very much like my favorite progressive rock bands of the early 70s. Has more of a Rush influence than usual for a UK band from this era. There's some commercial stuff here that keeps it from a higher rating (especially on Side 2), but it's still a great listen. It'll probably grow on me over time (and it has!). File this one in the innovative early metal category next to Legend (UK), Diamond Head, Sacred Blade, and Manilla Road.

Ownership: LP: 1982 Heavy Metal Records. Recent online acquisition. Single sleeve with lyrics. My initial copy was the Russian bootleg CD acquired unwittingly. Just put it up for sale (cheap), and it was gone in one day.

1/6/14 (RYM)

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