Thursday, June 18, 2020

Bow Street Runners. 1970 USA-North Carolina

Bow Street Runners were a band from Fayetteville, North Carolina, who released this one album, and out they went. The album sounds like 5 A/B 45 singles - from 1968 - stitched together. Loads of fuzz guitar and well penned tunes. 'Rock Fish Blues' and 'Spunky Monkey' could have been left off as far as I'm concerned, but the rest is aces. The female vocals on the opener 'Electric Star' showed tremendous potential, but alas that would be her sole contribution. For 1970, this kind of psych was way out of date, and it's not surprising they didn't sell many copies to begin with. This was doomed to be a collector's item from the moment it was released. 

Ownership: CD: 1996 Sundazed. Not a great reissue from Sundazed. They're usually very reliable, but in this case, it almost seems like a bootleg. No info, bonus, or anything else, and taken from vinyl. I bought this not long after release, and since originals are impossible to find, and all the reissues blow, this will have to do.

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UMR update

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