Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Zanov - Green Ray. 1976 France

This was originally a CDRWL item. Here are my notes from then, slightly updated: Sequencer based electronic musician, whose real name is Pierre Zalkazanov. Given the one man nature of the recordings, Klaus Schulze would be the obvious influence. Though musically there's just as much Tangerine Dream Stratosfear here than, say, Mirage or Blackdance. And surprisingly very little Heldon touches, given how influential Richard Pinhas was in his own country (at least when talking the underground). There were very few artists in this field during the late 1970s, while today there are hundreds, so Zanov deserves credit for being one of the pioneers. Though from a purely musical perspective, Green Ray isn't quite as well developed as his more recognized peers of the day. All the same, always nice to hear those fat analog synths battle it out on tape!

Ownership: LP: 2018 Wah Wah (Spain). It had been my intention to buy this on CD, once Groove had reissued it (2016). But unfortunately no one brings their CDs to these shores, and the Dutch postage is equal to the cost of the product! So while waiting for a reasonably priced copy to show up, in comes the LP reissue at a bargain price, which was licensed from Groove. It's a wonderful package, with an extensive biography from Zanov himself. The LP comes with an additional 45, one side of which is unreleased until now. 'Zephyr' is also a bonus track on the Groove CD. Electronic music is usually the last place I would buy an LP reissue, but there's always exceptions.

5/26/10 (CDRWL); 5/12/20 (new entry)

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