Saturday, May 2, 2020

Eneide - Uomini Umili Popoli Liberi. 1972 Italy (archival)

History tells us that Eneide's sole album was intended to be the 3rd release on the legendary Trident label. If that had been the case, I would have ranked it 4th behind Semiramis, Biglietto per L'Inferno, and The Trip - Time of Change. I'm sure others would rate the first Dedalus and Opus Avantra's debut ahead as well, but not for my tastes. To my ears, Eneide represent a common branch of the 1972 Italian prog rock space. With a predominance of flute, guitar, and gravelly vocals, Eneide conjures up groups such as Capitolo 6, EA Poe, De De Lind, Delirium, Dalton, and Odissea. If you enjoy that type of sound, then Eneide comes as an easy recommendation.

Ownership: CD: 1995 Mellow. Relatively thorough for a Mellow release, with a history (in Italian) + photos. This was the first CD reissue and I jumped on it not long after release. If memory serves, the first archival LP pressing was expensive upon release. Which is why I didn't get it back then. And it has remained that way, even more so.

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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