Friday, May 1, 2020

Crying Wood - Forward in Time / Back to the Mountains. 1969 Netherlands (archival?)

I wasn't expecting to add a CD Reissue Wish List item today. Especially from The Netherlands. Most of the obscurities I'm digging up these days are from the US, and they're 45s at that. But Northern Europe from 1969? How can that even be possible? Not even sure how I ran into this title. I think I saw their 45 and noticed they had an album. Put it on a list, and today I ran across it. Oh cool, it's on YouTube. Let's check it out.

The music is excellent. Very much a product of the 1969/70 underground heavy prog scene. More like what was happening in the UK during the era, but certainly bands like Ahora Mazda could also be referenced. Mostly heavy guitar and organ, rough vocals, and well thought out tunes. This is your classic CDRWL Priority 2, and I've added it to my RYM list.

It's easy to find the history of the band on the internet. The group themselves have been out there in recent times. The Fantazio compilation I wrote about not too long ago has one track (from their 45) and has the same history you will find on the internet. Here's the source for the history - and it's from one of the band members. There's some great photos on this video too.  The music is undeniably from the era - sounds exactly like their official 45, which is also on the album. It's a master tapes recording from 1969 it would appear.

It's the LP itself that looks a bit fishy. Maybe it's not, but you guys know me by now. I've called BS on a number of releases over the years, and most times have been proven right. Would love to be proven wrong - certainly I have nothing to gain either way. So let's start peeling the onion as they say.

Besides the fact I never saw this album in a rarities catalog back in the day (and I got a bunch of them), it's also not mentioned in Jean Jobses comprehensive Private Dutch book that was released in the 90s. Jean is a dedicated collector of all things Dutch prog and psych. I think he would have at least known about it. If you go to Discogs, you will not see an album cover, but rather a poster. If you go to RYM or search the blogs, you will see another poster. That is not the cover. There is no cover apparently. So let's look at the history on Discogs. Added 3 years ago by someone who didn't own it. OK. Let's go to RYM. Added in 2012, not long after its first appearance on download blogs. OK. Where's the label then? Was not in the video above. Ah-ha I found it. It gets more interesting. The side we see says "Forward in Time", so guessing the other is "Back to the Mountains"? Yet no one mentions anything but Back in the Mountains - well except the YouTube link above. It's a plain white label with no provenance. Has the track titles, a catalog number, and simply says "Rec at GTB Studio, The Hague Holland". Nothing about Canada. Jeez - why don't I just screen print it? There - now you can see it. Also - doesn't the typeface look more like an inkjet? Can't recall anything looking like that from 1970. And the lack of a groove under the label is also suspicious.

It looks all the world like a modern pressing - perhaps from the 2000s. The music is very real, and someone clearly got a hold of a good sounding tape, maybe even the masters (remember the band has resurfaced). But the 1970 Canada release without a cover story just doesn't make ANY sense (other than it's hard to prove otherwise). Why Canada? Even Indonesia would make more sense. It doesn't look like a demo. The sold price on Discogs is suspiciously low for something so crazily obscure. All of them are NM (or close) - and about the same price. Guess no one played the heck out of it since 1970 then, huh?  I've known records like this - they sell in the $1,000's. And there might be one sale listed on Popsike from an old ebay auction - and that's it.

I dunno folks. Getting some smell on this one. Maybe I'm wrong. Just need some verifiable data to emerge. The weird part is the band member playing a track from his LP and saying it's from Canada. Maybe he was sitting on some stock? Just strange really.

But the music is excellent, undeniably authentic, and would be great to see a proper reissue!

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