Monday, May 18, 2020

Myrbein - Myrornas Krig. 1981 Sweden

At its best, Myrbein's sole album is at the very top of the early 80s prog rock pyramid alongside Dun and Kultivator. But like a lot of intelligent people, there's this self conscious nagging that they are too serious and will be viewed upon as brainy nerds. So to compensate they add a goofy component, ironically adding to the notion that they are - indeed - a group of brainy nerds. This is not subtle, intelligent humor. Nope - broad stroke slapstick silliness. Why bands from the avant prog space feel the need to be the next Three Stooges would be a good topic to explore - for one's Master's Thesis. Which they probably already have anyway.... All in all, the great outweighs the goofy, and is well worth your time to investigate.

Ownership: CD: 1993 Ad Perpetuam Memoriam. Nice CD reissue from APM, with 1 bonus track and photos. Had the LP once but sold it 25 years ago. Not clamoring to get it back.

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...