Friday, September 14, 2018

Zao - Kawana. 1976 France

Zao's 4th album is a shockingly ordinary fusion album for the era. Very well played mind you, but not even close to the best the genre has to offer. More chops than songwriting for sure. The addition of Didier Lockwood on violin helped immensely, because without his presence, the album would have been considerably worse. Jean My Truong also should be called out for his awesome drumming. Jeff Seffer's saxophone tone, however, gets on my nerves. Atonal and noisy, when the music calls for smooth and melodic - similar to Lockwood's playing for example. As for the band in general, all traces of their Zeuhl background have been rubbed out here. Not sure I understand the praise this one gets - I find it disappointing for a band with a pedigree like Zao. Of course it's still very good - not saying different - but one would have hoped for more depth here. Admittedly, the album does finish strong with the closer 'Free-Folk'.

Ownership: CD: 1991 Musea. Jewel case with full historical liner notes. Online acquisition (1999). Also bought the LP afterwards but have since sold it. And after one final evaluation, the CD can go as well.

1999; 9/14/18 (new entry); 9/5/23

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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