Sunday, September 2, 2018

Clearlight - Visions. 1978 France

For Clearlight's final 1970s effort, Visions, Cyrille Verdeaux seemingly compiled all of the ideas of the past - and tried to cram them into one album. The results are a mixed bag. There are heavy fusion moments, pensive classical piano pieces, space rock jams, straight rock songs, and Indian sitar ragas. Many of the musicians of the past are represented here as well. Overall, I find this to be Clearlight's most uneven album though still quite enjoyable.

Personal collection
LP: 1978 Polydor
CD: 2008 Captain Trip (Japan)

The CD comes with some fine bonus tracks from 1980 and 1983.

Originally reviewed: April 21, 2001

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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