Friday, September 28, 2018

TOuCH - Traumwerk 1. 1980 Germany

TOuCh's sole album is a nice example of Berlin School electronics mixed with rock elements, primarily in the form of real drums and flute. Not as dynamic as Klaus Schulze's Moondawn or Wolfgang Bock's Cycles, but some of the sequences are inventive and the album holds up well to modern ears. The group owns a large palette of keyboards, not uncommon for the genre, though it doesn't appear they took full advantage of the tones available to them, and the album could use some color. This is particularly true on the opening 'Gethsemane 1', which is a bit dull. Once the sequencers and drums kick in on part 2, the album gets more interesting. In fact, I'd argue each subsequent track is better than the prior. The group's name is an amalgamation of the two protagonist's "TOm und CHarly". Worth seeking out for fans of the genre.

Ownership: LP: 1980 Hand-Made

No CD or LP legit reissue exists as I update this post (6/11/24). Decided to part with the LP.

3/17/10; 9/28/18 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...