Friday, September 14, 2012

Klotet - Det Har Aldrig Hänt Och Kommer Aldrig Hända Igen. 2010 Sweden

As if to prove Det Har Aldrig Hänt Och Kommer Aldrig Hända Igen will be different from its predecessor, Klotet open their second album with death metal styled blast beats on 'Gastronomika Proportione'. Despite this bit of incongruity - Klotet, as driven by female Hammond organist/keyboardist extraordinaire Milve Sofia Rydahl, insists their music maintain its defiant stance on Swedish folklore melodies. All of this music is then funneled through an old school 1970's progressive rock approach with fuzz guitar and organ leads, as best defined by Kebnekaise, Solar Plexus and Bo Hansson's solo works. None of Klotet's album's instrumental tracks clear the 4 minute mark, also calling out the glorious debut from that obscure Swedish band Lotus and their fine 1974 album. If any of this review makes sense, then you're more than likely a good candidate to hear this album.

Ownership: CD: 2010 Musea (France)

9/14/12 (new entry)

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