Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Grobschnitt – Die Grobschnitt 0. 1971 Germany (archival)

Die Grobschnitt Story 0 is all about the earliest incarnation of Kapelle Elias Grobschnitt (1971), and as such, much of the material will also be found on the self-titled Grobschnitt album. In fact, the entire first album is presented here, but in slightly different form (no string quartet for example) - though there are not enough differences to make this an essential purchase - on its own that is...

....However there is close to 30 minutes of unique material here, starting with track 6 'About My Town' (8:56), a very fine jazz inflicted progressive rock number with plenty of those great Lupo guitar solos. 'Fallstone' (5:25) follows with Eroc's martial drumming leading the way while Wildschwein shreds away on rhythm guitar and Lupo once again comes in with some fine solos. Disc 2 opens with 'Das D-Lied' (4:03) and 'Das Teelied' (3:15) both splendid little psychedelic blues rock numbers in the Krautrock tradition. 'Die Maschine' (7:49) is perhaps the best of them all, starting out with power chords like early Black Sabbath. But at the point where you would expect Iommi to start riffing, the band goes into jazzy jamming mode and Lupo unleashes some great wah-wah solos. These 5 tracks alone would have made for a great archival album, so having the bonus of the entire first album in raw form is just icing on the cake. The album closes with a live version of 'Das D-Lied' (4:33) and the final track, on the surface at least, looks like a real boon for collectors: A 31 minute live version of 'Die Sinfonie'. However this is the same bonus track as found on the 1998 Repertoire CD, so if you have that already, then nothing new here. All in all, a fantastic historical document from one of Germany's finest progressive rock bands of the 70s.

Ownership: CD: 2010 Made in Germany. Made in Germany is the next venture from a former SPV executive. The quality of the physical product is impressive, and is first class all the way. Features include a tri-fold digipak holding 2 CDs and extensive liner notes from Eroc himself.

9/4/12 (new entry)

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UMR update

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