Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kotebel - Ouroboros. 2009 Spain

Ouroboros is the middle child between Omphalos and Concerto for Piano and Electric Ensemble. The eldest is the capricious, vivacious one who draws you to her mysterious ways. The latter is the class Valedictorian who also happened to be the class favorite. But Ouroboros is more serious. Studied longer and harder than its siblings, but perhaps doesn't mesh as well in social circles. In musical terms, gone are the female vocals and preponderance of flute, and in its place are more jagged rhythms, cold synthesizer sounds, and angular guitar solos. Of all the Kotebel albums, Ouroboros comes closest to the avant progressive sound of October Equus, or Belgium's Present by extension. A fine record that set the stage for an even better followup.

Ownership: CD: 2009 Musea

9/20/12 (new entry); 7/18/18

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