Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Algaravia - Breve e Interminável. 1996 Brazil

There was a time in the 1990's when PRW was one of progressive rock's leading lights in terms of discovering new acts. And Algaravia was one of their true gems. Some 15 years later, the band is sadly and completely forgotten.

Algaravia, who open with a track named 'Crimsoniana', leave little doubt to who their heroes are. A dual guitar quintet, with minimal keyboards and an extra percussionist (giving it a slight Santana flair), Algaravia no doubt worship at the Red and Starless & Bible Black altar. But just like fellow South American's Exsimio (Chile) demonstrated a few years later, Algaravia took a portion of the King Crimson sound and moved it further and into new areas of development. Some classic 90's Djam Karet can be heard here too (especially in the fuzz tone guitar explosions). I think it's a splendid album - and a total tragedy the band stopped here.

Ownership: CD: 1996 PRW

9/28/11 (new entry)


  1. Antes do Algaravia os irmãos Fred e Jean, tinham uma banda chamada Fire Worshipers de Heavy Metal e até hoje é considerada a melhor de Pernambuco por muitos.

    1. Thanks for the comment Luciano! I've translated for English speakers (using Google translate): "Before the Algarvian brothers Fred and Jean, they had a band called Fire Worshipers of Heavy Metal and to this day it is considered the best of Pernambuco by many."


UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...