Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Conny C - A Malmqvist, Hans Åkerhjelm ‎- Kvinnan I Det Låsta Rummet: Filmmusiken. 1998 Sweden

This very obscure album from Sweden is absolutely loaded with mellotron. Atmospheric soundtrack music with plenty of guitar as well (the music is for a TV mini-series). Somewhere between Alain Goraguer's classic La Planete Sauvage and post rock (Tortoise, etc...) is where you'll the music of Kvinnan I Det Låsta Rummet. Excellent little oddity if you can find it.

Ownership: CD: 1998 Vibrafon. Standard jewel case release with an artistic multi-foldout booklet with recording details. Photos here are from us as we added them to Discogs (2022). We also made the original entry in 2016, complete with errors, but no one fixed them. Once again demonstrating how obscure this CD is.

9/7/11 (new entry); 9/17/22    

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