Thursday, September 8, 2011

Spirosfera – Umanamnesi. 1996 Italy

My original notes stated:

A good one from the second renaissance of Italian progressive rock. Umanamnesi has aged well and sounds great to my modern ears. Great vocals in the Stratos / Piras mold - heavy guitar (not metal) - lots of inventive changes - excellent bass work. Like a classic 1970's Italian progressive album, but clearly recorded with 90's instrumentation and production qualities. 


In hearing this again for the first time in 11 years, I'm certainly still in the positive camp here. But it still resulted in a -1 listen. The sound is fairly bright and the music can be a bit exhausting, without much change in color or tone. The finale 'Detearia' also has some unnecessary noodle bits that seemed appended on to add length, which is the last thing this album needed. Despite these small gripes, what I stated years ago holds true. Like a more direct Deus Ex Machina.

Ownership: CD: 1996 Lizard. Standard jewel case release with lyrics and recording details. Purchased new upon release.

9/8/11 (new entry); 9/27/22

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