Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Spektakel - s/t. 1974 Germany (archival)

I still remember when Ken first put this CD out - myself and my running pack all bought it immediately and unconditionally. I can only imagine his initial enthusiasm at discovering such buried treasure as this. It had to be transcendental. A few years earlier, he had released the full canon of SFF's works (Schicke, Führs & Fröhling) - already a monumental achievement, especially for an American label. But now this? Sounding like demo versions of Cathedral's famed Stained Glass Stories or the also-to-be-discovered-later Deju Vu - Between the Leaves album from Norway, Spektakel is the mellotron soaked fantasy of every progressive rock collector's dreams. Is it a little loose in places? Well, sure. It wasn't ready for prime-time. But when you consider how strong the material is despite the lack of original editing, holy cow - this is about as good as it gets. An absolute must own archival release.

CD: 1996 Laser's Edge (USA)

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