Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ramses - La Leyla. 1976 Germany

When I first purchased La Leyla on LP back in the 80s, I didn't care for it much and sold it off. But by the time I grabbed this CD in the late 90s, my ears had adjusted to the type of symphonic progressive rock that was popular in Germany during this era. In many ways, Ramses were a Teutonic version of the kind of progressive music being attempted here in the States, albeit at the grassroots level. Thick analog tones and production, fine compositions, and plenty of ideas allow the music to flow by comfortably.

Ownership: CD: 1993 Sky w/ Eternity Rise. Sky never really seemed to have their heart into CD's and always did - what my Indian friends would say - the needful. At some point I should pick up the LP again to supplement.

1 comment:

  1. I only realised when I bought this one that the LP I own is an American pressing: War has different lyrics and is renamed Noise; as I understand to avoid offending the sensitive American public because of the Vietnam war... Make of that what you will, but it would've been a nice bonus track for the CD. I guess I'll hold on to my vinyl copy then.

    Cheers, Bas


UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...