Friday, March 22, 2024

Earthstar - French Skyline. 1979 USA-New York

About 35 years ago I purchased this album new from a local store (see ownership section). I enjoyed it, filed, and pretty much that was the end of my Earthstar story until the CDRWL days. And it's only been in the last two years that I filled in the remaining three albums, which I've dutifully reported on here at UMR. So it's ironic that French Skyline is the last of those for me to discuss. Many years ago, and I have no documentation as to when (probably 2008), I wrote the following:

Earthstar is more or less the working band name for one Craig Wuest...  ...I still consider it one of the best electronic albums from the US (though recorded in Germany and France). Of course, having Klaus Schulze produce the album probably helped immensely. It's a powerful album in the Berlin School style.


In hearing this album for the first time in 16 years, the Schulze effect is very prominent on the suite known as 'Latin Sirens Face the Wall'. It could very well be an archival release from the Timewind sessions. It's really the only piece in Wuest's oeuvre that isn't highly original. The title suite is more diverse recalling their debut Salterbarty Tales, and is what makes this album special like the others.

Ownership: LP: 1979 Sky. Single sleeve. Purchased new at the Record Gallery in Dallas (1990).

CD: 2023 Made in Germany. Details can be found on the Salterbarty entry. The mastering on French Skyline isn't up to par unfortunately. It obviously comes from vinyl, but also has a bit of wobble in places. MiG is a high quality label, so this comes as a surprise. Salterbarty Tales sounded fine to me. I hope the other two will as well. I'll have to focus on that.

1990; 2008; 3/21/24 (new entry)

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...