Wednesday, March 13, 2024

St. Elmo's Fire - Artifacts of Passion. 2001 USA-Iowa

Four months ago, for Groovector's Ultramarine, I wrote: ""I have quite a few albums in the collection that I'm most excited to hear - many of them I anticipate are better than I have them rated. This is yet another album I haven't heard since it first came out. So 22 years later we have our second visit." - Part 2. In fact I think this was in the exact same CD order with the Hamadryad album that makes up the above quote."

Make that Part 3. For whatever reason there's a part of my collection from 2001 I never revisited. Artifacts of Passion represents a reunion effort, as it were, with mostly reworked versions of older compositions going back to the late 70s and early 80s. A couple of these made the Live at Cleveland Agora EP, but even those tracks are much different here. Though a modern recording in 2001, one could almost view this as an archival release. The sounds are pure analog, and it's as if the prior 20 years didn't happen. Plenty of mellotron and violin to offset the usual rock based instrumentation. Their music is very much a product of the American Midwest and overtures to King Crimson, Genesis, and Yes are apparent. The album is mostly instrumental with the exception of 'The Nemo Syndrome'. Artifacts of Passion is one of those albums that slipped through the cracks of time, but is a fine representation of the type of American progressive rock that existed in the late 70s.

Ownership: CD: 2001 Sprawling Productions. Jewel case with recording details and historical references. My copy came with two postcards, one signed by band leader Paul Kollar.

2001; 3/12/24 (new entry)

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UMR update

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