Saturday, August 20, 2022

Max Webster - Mutiny Up My Sleeve. 1978 Canada-Ontario

Interesting that I just listened to Rush's debut, when Max Webster's Mutiny Up My Sleeve showed up at the front of the LP listening box. In the US many of us associate Max Webster with Rush because they were usually the opening band. Until now I hadn't really understood the connection beyond both were from Toronto. But after hearing Rush's opening move it does make sense. I hear Mutiny Up My Sleeve as a possible route that Rush themselves would have taken had John Rutsey remained in the band. It's a solid mix of hard rock, boogie, AOR, and yes, even some proggy bits. I hear some Saga in these grooves as well. There's some really strong and mildly complex compositions on this album, much more than I expected. Great melodies too. Some of the good times rock n' roll and straight rock segments take it down a notch.

Ownership: LP: 1978 Anthem. Single sleeve with lyric inner. There are 3 Canadian pressings with different label layouts. Mine is as shown. Interesting to note that all the lyrics have been translated into French, which you'd expect more from a Quebec based group. I picked this up a few weeks ago (2022) at a thrift shop.

8/20/22 (new entry)


  1. I have a couple by them (s/t and Universal Juveniles) and like some of their stuff. Never heard this one tho. I'll check it out. I have a couple CDs from Kim Mitchell as well.

    1. Cool - yea, I need to explore further as well. I have A Million Vacations here too, and that's coming up soon. Thanks for the comment!


Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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