Thursday, August 11, 2022

Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same. 1976 England

If I was forced to choose just one Led Zeppelin album that I could keep, then it would be The Song Remains the Same. It essentially compiles the best of the pre Physical Graffiti tracks in one convenient place, and there's plenty of room for improvisation, thus making it a live album worthy of multiple listens. In particular 'No Quarter' and 'Dazed and Confused' are revelations. While the latter probably could have used some filtering (29 minutes on the CD version), most of it is very engaging. I tend to agree with those that say Robert Plant is one of the greatest - if not the greatest - lead rock singer of all time (in his prime that is). A perfect front man. And as I'm likely to say in any review of Led Zeppelin, I think their X-Factor is John Paul Jones, whose keyboard work and lowkey nature is the perfect balance for the machismo's that surrounded him.

One funny personal story regarding this album. Well actually the movie / documentary. While in college my roommate was dating a pretty lass, who happened to also be a cheerleader for Texas Tech's basketball team. However, she was very religious (common in Texas, especially in the 80s). It always seemed to me she was more interested in converting him rather than dating. Whatever the case, she was over visiting our apartment, and I started watched the VHS I had of this concert. After some time, she wandered over curious as to what I was looking at. She became mesmerized by a one Robert Plant. She practically was drooling... and muttered while sweating "he... has.....sexxx.... appeal". Hmm-mmmm I responded. Shower is to your right, sister. Might want to keep it on Cold.

Ownership: LP: 1976 Swan Song (USA). 2xLP gatefold with booklet. You get your money's worth on this one. I still have the same copy I purchased back in college prior to owning the video. It's not even a repress, that's how many they pressed to begin with.

CD: 2008 Swan Song (Japan). Mini-LP/papersleeve. Might as well own the fancy packaging, but this is the same reissue that first hit the shelves globally in 2007. I definitely recommend getting one of these later versions as there's an additional 30+ minutes of quality music here. 

For certain I'll be holding onto both formats for this title.

1985; 8/11/22 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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