Friday, January 8, 2021

Tangerine Dream - Logos. 1982 Germany

Logos represents for me the best album of the post Baumann years. Whereas Exit and Thief were soundtracks to my late high school years, Logos became the background music for my early college days of 1983 and 84. In looking at Discogs, the album had already been out some 10 months before I acquired it, as its distribution back then was pretty light in the area I lived in. Musically it's unlike the other albums of the era. I'm not reminded of Tangram, Exit, Thief, or White Eagle while listening, though clearly it's well within their 80s style and instrumentation. That is to say there's no mistaking Logos as a throwback to the Stratosfear era. I find the music highly melodic and the sequences very inventive. There's an innocence surrounding Logos, a feeling one doesn't usually walk away with when talking Tangerine Dream. Logos stands tall within TD's discography, and is the one post 70s album (IMO of course) that challenges their best work from their formative decade.

Ownership: LP: 1982 Virgin (Germany). Single sleeve. Purchased at a Baltimore record shop while there on business (2021). The first LP I acquired was from Metamorphosis Records in Dallas (1983).

CD: 2020 Virgin (as part of the Pilots of Purple Twilight box set). This incredible boxset I have detailed on the White Eagle entry. There are no bonus tracks for the album proper, but the entire concert is also in the box on two discs. 

9/4/83; 7/3/01; 9/18/19; 1/8/21 (new entry); 12/19/21 (LP acquire)

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