Thursday, January 21, 2021

Psychedelic Gems 3. 1970; 1975; 1979 Germany

When Psychedelic Gems 3 was released, it proved to be a goldmine of unreleased material. Having almost nothing in common with each other, the three bands represented here nonetheless proved to be an interesting combo. The problem is - it was a short lived situation. My Solid Ground's 25 minute track quickly found itself on a Second Battle CD reissue from the same year of release (1997). Werwolf followed seven years later, as Black Rills reissued the Laser's Edge version of Creation, but with these three tracks appended. Those I'll cover (or have covered) in their own respective entries. The only track left then is Mr. Grabstein, which is an excellent hard driving Krautock number, recalling early efforts by Message and Grobschnitt. It's eight minutes long - so is that worth keeping this CD for? Not on its own. But the entire package remains of interest. This is the only place, that I'm aware of, that covers My Solid Ground's history (certainly Second Battle never seemed interested in such things). Werwolf's liner notes were copied verbatim into the Black Rills CD, but the photos were not. And of course Mr. Grabstein is also well documented. Would be great to hear more from Mr. Grabstein that's for sure.

Ownership: CD: 1997 Garden of Delights. 

1997; 1/21/21 (new entry); 11/16/23 (removed)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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