Friday, January 22, 2021

Tangerine Dream - Hyperborea. 1983 Germany

Hyperborea was the second "new" studio album from Tangerine Dream to be released after my first  discovering of the group and buying up their back catalog. By this time I had entered college, and without a doubt, Tangerine Dream would be the band I proudly stated were my "favorite". Just as White Eagle was received warmly upon initial impact, so was Hyperborea. Perhaps even a bit better in my mind at the time. It seemed a bit more adventurous, though unlike anything else in their catalog. Objectively speaking, I would still make those claims. Subjectively, the album hasn't moved upward like White Eagle has. Some of that can be chalked up to the time and place. But honestly the music is getting colder and more mechanical by each release. They certainly hadn't yet gone on auto pilot, but that was to come a mere two years later. The clues were here already. No question that I would still recommend the album on its own, but I would acquire everything in front of it first.

Ownership: LP: 1983 Virgin; CD: 2020 Virgin. As part of the Pilots of Purple Twilight box set that I detailed on the White Eagle post. The LP purchased that day in late 1983 was part of the commodity LP replacement program. I finally found a replacement copy at a record store near Denver. 

As for the bonus tracks, they are taken from the Risky Business soundtrack. This movie was released during the late summer of 1983 right before I was to enter college. It's one of those "my generation" movies though in retrospect, it's pretty dumb. I still like it. But for me, what was even cooler, is that Tangerine Dream's music was all over it. And at the best times during the movie. Some of the music is taken from Force Majeure and Exit, while just that much more is original material of a similar nature to Tangram/Thief. With this, and Nicolas Cage wearing a Tangerine Dream T-Shirt in Valley Girl, it felt like a form of acceptance. Old times...  

new entry; 2/1/22

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