Saturday, January 16, 2021

Pyramid. 1997 England

I've railed against the authenticity of these Psi Fi releases in every platform I could find, where it was stated they were somehow authentic - since about 1997. So I'm going to leave that topic alone here, other than to point out this album's silliness. Let's see... unknown personnel (but with very detailed instrumentation); engineered by "The Mad Twiddler"; and of course the album cover looks like a photoshop of a 1920's Art Deco Fritz Lang poster. But hey - there are 100 of them out there! Send me a copy when you find it. I'm sure those who put this out are having a good laugh. The downside to the sophomoric antics is that it takes away from the music itself.

Of the 6 supposed authentic releases, 1997's Pyramid remains my favorite (though Golem is second and I haven't heard that one in years, but will soon enough). This is one 35 minute track that absolutely oozes the atmosphere of early Krautrock. Though they claim the date to be 1976, the sound they achieved sounds more 1971. And the reality is it's from the same studio that Sun Dial were recording in during the late 90s (don't forget Ohr Musik and Quad!). I'm most reminded of Steven Wilson's IEM project, a band that had released their debut near the same time. Though I own it, I don't currently have a review. However I do have some notes down for Have Come For Your Children (2001). To quote "So if the idea of lengthy cosmic psychedelic Krautrock jams - with an enormous amount of studio gadgetry and tricks - are your bag, then boy do I have a recommendation for you. The album kicks off with a 35 minute number which defines everything IEM is about.... the piece does a remarkably great job of filling that time with intriguing jams and a variety of cool sounds, including way-fuzzed out psych guitar, flute, pounding drums, and mellotron". Other than the flute we pretty much have the description for 'Dawn Defender' as found here. What is a dawn defender anyway? A pyramid! Clever British lads. But are we defending for it or against it? Questions.

Ownership: CD: 1997 Psi-Fi. Jewel case purchased new online upon release. Even though I suspected (knew) these were fakes even back then, I did want to hear them all. And this one is for certain a keeper, stupid backstory aside.

1997; 1/16/21 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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