Thursday, April 30, 2020

Blåkulla. 1975 Sweden

Blåkulla's sole album has some similarities to Trettioåriga Kriget's work during this era. Though not as dynamic or interesting. The album is very Swedish in nature, including lyrics in the native language, plus the period instrument and production choices. The CD adds 3 bonus tracks from 1974, and it's here that we are able to determine Blåkulla's progressive rock brilliance. Much more progressive and instrumentally interesting than the album itself. Though it must be said the album is excellent in its own right, it's just that the bonus' are exceptional.

Ownership: CD: 1997 Ad Perpetuam Memoriam. Purchased new online upon release. Nice reissue with great sound, bonus tracks, and unique photographs. Includes the original lyrics. This is one of those reissues where the bonus tracks determine it to be a mandatory presence in the collection.


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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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