Sunday, April 19, 2020

Social Tension - It Remainds Me of Those Days. 1990 Japan

It wasn't that long ago I re-listened to, and added to the UMR, Social Tension's debut Macbethia. It Remainds Me of Those Days is a very similar experience, though even more retro sounding. This was long before the term "retro prog" even entered the lexicon. If you enjoy the heavy organ driven sounds of the early 1970 UK progressive rock scene, then Social Tension is an easy recommendation. Even considering the rather awkward vocals.

Ownership: CD: 1990 Made in Japan. Standard issue jewel box CD with obi. I do love the cover artwork on both of the Social Tension albums. Worth noting that the title is not a typo. Now whether or not Social Tension were purposely trying for a play on words with Reminds and Remains, I cannot say. A later compilation refers to it as Reminds, which of course makes more sense. Was part of a large collection buy in the late 90s.

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