Monday, February 3, 2020

Mother Yod. 1997 England

The first album offered from the one time experiment/series known as the Prescription Drug label. This one at least gives hints to its 1997 date, with a decidedly post-rock sound mixed with the overt 70's Krautrock underground aesthetic that all of the label's groups possess. Only duffer track is a short vocal folk piece (which sounds too much like the duffer vocal folk pieces on real Krautrock albums!) Heavy use of analog instruments per recipe, with emphasis on processed keys and fuzz bass. Electronic percussion sounds more modern, though I think they're going for the early 70s Klaus Schulze variety of that sound (Picture Music, Blackdance). Neat use of choral voice (not mellotron). Not quite at the high standard of Ohr Musik and Quad, but pretty close. Good album.

Ownership LP: 1997 Prescription Drug. These LPs were supposedly strictly limited to 99 only pressings. Ours is numbered though it's suspiciously the same as another numbered copy. Which puts the total in question. Covers are hand sprayed.

6/6/10 (CDRWL)

1 comment:

  1. Andy Boot/ Kristian SalzenJanuary 2, 2024 at 9:44 AM

    So, having stumbled across my own album on here, the only thing I know about this is that it was Edwin Piercey/Savage Pencil who made this, probably with Gary Ramon also playing on it. He told me that he was doing six albums for a subscription only release limited to 100 (don't laugh, I believed him at the time) that were krautrock themed and that this was the first and would I like him to do the thing I was messing about with on the first wife's four track machine (long story). The rest was Ohr Musik...


UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...