Sunday, February 16, 2020

Mazeville Crossing. 1975 USA-Colorado

I was bound to run into this 1975 album sooner or later. Not that I was looking for it, mind you. Shoot, I'd never even heard of it before. But once I saw it at a local garage sale for $1, I knew it was something worth picking up. It had the right "look". And how about that - they're from Englewood, Colorado, which is just up the road in Denver. But as RYM's Streetmouse reports, they were actually from Colorado Springs. And, well, guess where we currently reside? Given its rarity, I hope I find more of them!

Admittedly I did buy it with resell in mind, but didn't know if it was actually expensive (not all private presses are...). But yep, this one is. And as I started listening to it, I said to myself there was no way I was selling it anyway. This is good! But you have to hear the whole thing. That's the problem.

Honestly the first 12 minutes are great. Sure 'All Along the Watchtower' had been done numerous times before, but Mazeville Crossing's version is worth hearing. They're basically a guitar duo, and on this track, one on acoustic and one electric (a very nice psychedelic tone too). And these two definitely enjoy their studio effects and they used them wisely here. This is followed by the longest cut 'They Call the Wind Maria'. It is mostly acoustic guitars and serious vocals, but very trippy and at times I was reminded of British Columbia's Ptarmigan, a long time favorite for me.

Then it breaks down. The last two tracks are from a live show. One of those banter-with-the-drunken-crowd bits that only work when you're actually there. In the cold sober light of day it's... painful.

I had high hopes for side 2, where the duo perform original songs. However, most of these are fairly straightforward folk songs, with light rock touches. The exception is 'Morning Song' that brings forth more effects, but it's no mindblower either. Just more interesting.

So there you have it. I did enjoy some of this and pondered keeping it for the "local flavor". But nah. I have plenty of other rarities I need for the collection. I'll take the cash and run...

LP sold.

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