Saturday, February 1, 2020

Chemical. 1996 England

For the most part Chemical's sole release is a darkwave album (of the non synthesizer variety) hiding in Acme's stable of psychedelic bands. Even the cover looks like an album one would see from the Ventricle label. Beyond this, there are a couple of Eastern influenced psych folk numbers on Side 1 that are quite excellent. Then the first half of Side 2 goes by mostly unnoticed, but there is a huge payoff for those who stick around: A colossal psychedelic jam with organ and electric guitar, followed by a haunting outro. Recommended especially if you like the idea of modern darkwave with a dose of psychedelia.

Ownership: LP: 1996 Acme. Numbered edition. Comes in a oversized flimsy folder cover, that's easily bent at the top. I bought my copy online not long after release.

1997; 2/1/20 (new entry)

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