Avalon were a band from Ottawa who managed to get out one very professional LP in 1977, and unfortunately that was to be it. 'Celebration Day' opens up in Equinox-era Styx territory and it appears we're in for that unique North American proggy AOR sound, often times pegged with the derogatory pomp tag. A fine opener that quickly gets one engaged. 'Mother Russia' is similar, but there's more of a prog edge here, and yea sure, we can point to early Starcastle if you wish. Fine with me. 'Lady of My Dreams' is the obligatory lame ballad, but at least there's a fine synthesizer solo. In fact regarding the latter, there are many great synthesizer moments to be had on Voice of Life. The title track and 'Land of Mordor' bring out the band's James Young identity, and we're on the heavy side of AOR. Great break/riffs here that require repeat-play. Then whoever was supervising the group fell asleep, because Avalon decided to just go prog rock with 'Smoke and Fire', perhaps the highlight of the album for moi. 'Shadowcaster' is not a one minute interlude, but rather a fully realized song and quite good at that! 'Maranatha' then blends all the elements of the disc so far into one delicious whole. There's a killer riff half way through that sounds so much better on albums like this - primarily because it isn't what is expected.
Avalon had the songs to be radio staples in their day but for whatever reason they were ignored by "those that controlled all". This isn't an album that's going to register with hardcore AOR, hard rock, or progressive rock fans. But if you like all 3 in one, then this album goes to the great column. And I would be one such person.
Ownership: CD: 1995 Pacemaker. Recent online acquisition. A difficult CD to source, as this is the only reissue of this fine album. I was able to do so for less than $5 (sealed no less) while no one was looking. But generally it's collectors prices out there, and quite high at that. The photo here is of the LP, but need to add the CD at some point to Discogs. There are 2 bonus tracks as well that I need to revisit.
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