Friday, January 11, 2019

Orchid - The Mouths of Madness. 2013 USA

There's a lot to admire about the San Francisco based group Orchid. Unlike many modern bands, Orchid took the time to absorb the influences of Black Sabbath rather than just the output, so the possibilities of sound are much greater than what we usually receive. In effect, they are more of a "70's Metal" band, bordering hard rock, prog, psych, and blues rather than generic Stoner or Doom metal. The band are clearly talented, and Theo Mindell emulates a good Ozzy, not plagiarized, but rather influenced by.

The trouble is (no pun intended) that Orchid doesn't do anything with the premise. There are no songs here, no melodies of consequence, no creative breaks, and almost nothing sticks. The long tracks could be half the length, and one would not notice the difference. Sabbath aren't legends just because they were heavy, but rather they could pen a mean tune. Who doesn't get goosebumps on the first air raid sound of 'War Pigs'? There's none of that here. 'Silent One' offers a glimpse of what that could be and 'See You on the Other Side' demonstrates a band who can play within loose jazzy structures, but that's about it. Mind you, everything here is good, no question. But there's no more room in my collection for albums like this anymore. They played it too safe. Perhaps commercially it was the wise thing to do, but creatively it falls short of the mark. And that's where the legacy comes in.

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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