Friday, January 4, 2019

Atoll - Musiciens-Magiciens. 1974 France

When I first started collecting French progressive rock 30+ years ago, Atoll were a band that were often lumped in with Ange, Mona Lisa, and their various followers. But to my ears, Atoll comes from a different lyrical branch of the UK progressive rock tree. Whereas Ange and their lot took on Genesis, and further added a huge dose of French theatrical sensibilities, Atoll were much more influenced by Yes, and without the theatrics. I cannot understand at all the subtle, and in some cases blunt, accusation that Musiciens-Magiciens isn't even progressive rock at all. Are we listening to the same album? How does one hear 'Au-delà des écrans de cristal' and come away with a different conclusion? Or any of Side 2 for that matter? If there's a spot on the LP where it might be a bit tough sledding it's the bookends of the 'Le baladin du temps' opus, where the vocals can get a bit whiny. Though honestly any veteran of Italian progressive rock will recognize the SSW crooning from the off. It was of-the-era. Otherwise what one hears is the pure definition of progressive rock - complex meters, woody bass, great guitar and organ work, and energetic drumming. This is really the only album like this in Atoll's canon, as their next LP, L'Araignee Mal takes on a more sinister stance along with fusion elements, and is arguably their masterpiece. On this point we all agree. From there the band moved onto more accessible waters, with Tertio closing out in fine style before the band lost the plot altogether. But I maintain my stance that Musiciens-Magiciens is essential progressive rock from France.

Ownership: LP: 1974 Eurodisc (gatefold); LP: 1975 Eurodisc (single sleeve); CD: 2009 Arcangelo (Japan). The original LP comes in a gatefold sleeve and isn't as easy to find as you might initially think. I had it once, sold it, and took forever to find another. This one came from an online purchase in 2015. I kept the single sleeve all these years mainly because it's perfect mint. And it's also on my "wall of albums". This version was an online purchase from 2000. The mini-LP CD is particularly nice because not only do you get the beautiful gatefold LP design, you also receive the Musea release, complete with historical liners. The live bonus tracks are really rough here in the sound department, not even good enough for bonus honestly, but they can be skipped.

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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