Sunday, July 19, 2015

Caldera - Dreamer. 1979 USA-New York

Most bands don't end a career with their most dynamic and progressive album especially in 1979. Caldera had dabbled with commercialism on their previous two works (both still very good IMO), but this one is primarily a fiery instrumental fusion along the lines of 1972-74 era Santana, with some  nods to Return to Forever. They threw caution to the wind and just went for it. If only most bands had a similar attitude back then. Arguably - and probably - their best album.

Ownership: LP: 1979 Capitol. Comes in a really cool ultra-textured single sleeve cover. Recent acquisition from the Denver Record Show (2022). The only CDs that can be found are pressed in Japan. I had the latest one, but decided to sell it a few years back given its high price.

7/19/15 (new entry); 12/18/17; 5/4/22

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