Friday, July 3, 2015

various artists - Psychedelic Gems. 1970-1973 Germany (archival)

Psychedelic Gems is the first in a series from Garden of Delights covering the vast amount of 45's and unreleased material from Germany's psychedelic past. These artists, at least on Volume 1, are definitely distinguished from their peers that played in the style now widely known as Krautrock. This set is more like what was coming out in the US and UK during the late 60s psychedelic rock boom, and would have to be considered dated even in their own day.

Dom (1972). Not related to the group who released Edge of Time. This band released one 45 single (Newcomer label) that is straightforward instrumental psych rock, with some excellent guitar with plenty of effects added for good measure.

Pax Vobis (1972). First track is very much like the Doors. The other 3 are instrumental, and similar, minus the Morrison styled vocals. Superb organ (older vintage) work here. Two tracks are unreleased prior (the other two were on Soundfire - what a great name for a label!). I quite liked this group myself, and consider them the highlight of the compilation.

The Ooze (1970). Continues in a similar manner, though with much more of an Iron Butterfly and Vanilla Fudge influence. Great organ and fuzz guitar leads. Both tracks from a 45 on the CCA label.

The Devils (1973). All three tracks were unreleased prior. First track has a bit of an electronic edge recalling Friend Sound at their most coherent. After that it's hardly more than surf rock, and a sound that is outdated by at least 7 years at this point (though the electronics fortunately do reappear on Darkness). Definitely the low point of the compilation.

Blues Ltd. (1971). 45 single on Progressa. Not surprising, this bunch go for more of a blues psych sound. Hearing some Procol Harum on this, and the added sax even gives off a whiff of Xhol Caravan, especially considering the progressive nature of the recoding - the first (and only) indication of a Krautrock sound found on here.

Scramp (1972). Like Dom, this one was a 45 on Newcomer. And like Dom, it's way past its shelf life, sounding like a US punk psych band from 1968. Which is to say - it's pretty good actually!

Personal collection
CD: 1996 Garden of Delights

Technically GoD named the label Psychedelic Gems, but for all intents and purposes... In any case, nobody does deep diving in Germany better than Garden of Delights, and this CD is no exception. Lots of great liner notes, and a wonderful compilation, that I've detailed above.


  1. Hi is there a link for downloading please ?


  2. Hi Sosgotcha, Please read the What is it? column to the right of the blog. :-)


UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...