Sunday, July 5, 2015

Dominic Woosey - Straylight. 1992 Scotland

Before getting to the review of the album, I have to say the background for Mr. Woosey is quite interesting. I thought this to be one of the more obscure albums in my collection, the perfect definition of my Under the Radar blog. RYM has only 3 ratings and 4 cataloged. Only two of us on Gnosis have it rated. And yet on Discogs a massive 240 claim ownership, and up to 5 pressings exist. Most of these are from the 1994 repress, which is what I own as well. Recycle or Die is not a small private label, but rather an imprint for none other than WEA Musik of Germany. The CD comes in a fine professionally made digi-pak. If the below review sounds interesting to you, the CD is available at low prices from dealers on Discogs. I saw a couple on Amazon as well. I first learned of this album from Audion magazine, and since the Freeman's are major contributors to the Discogs site, they have added a lot more data surrounding Dominic Woosey. But it does appear his fame has been short lived, as I didn't find anything modern from him, including any kind of web presence. Strange really.

Straylight is a really fine work from Scotsman Woosey. In the Berlin School tradition, with sequencers and electric guitar, operating more or less in the same territory as Cosmic Hoffmann. Much of this could have been a long lost electronique album from France or Germany circa 1976. Last track is a bit of a departure and features female narration, with shades of 'Jenseits' era Ash Ra Tempel, though clearly a product of the late 80s sound, perhaps more like Steve Roach during this era. Well worth seeking out for fans of the genre.

Spyros adds: "Hello Dominic Woosey was more a house/techno artist with little interest to my ears. I originally listened to him in the "Brand-X Series" compilation ( and cannot say I liked what I've heard. That's why I haven't paid an attention to any particular release of his."

Ownership: CD: 1992 Recycle or Die.

1999; 7/5/15 (new entry)


  1. Great album. Shame he didn't make more in this style. But he must've felt lonely doing Berlin School up in Scotland :-)


UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...