Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Igra Staklenih Perli - Vrt Svetlosti. 1980 Serbia

Igra Staklenih Perli's second album "Garden Light" takes their sound from 'Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun' all the way forward to... 'Echoes'. So they were a full decade behind - just the way we like it!

The music here is more streamlined and upbeat, but it's essentially still zonked out of its mind. One could see this as a legitimate Krautrock release from 1971, without any other data at your disposal. Psychedelic guitar, cosmic - and at times crazed - vocals, and heavily phased organ define this psychotic work. Without a doubt, Serbia's finest progressive rock group from the Yugoslavia era.

Ownership: LP: 1980 PGP RTB

CD: 2007 PGP RTS w/ their debut album

The original is a single sleeve. My LP copy is like the auction photo (except in a bit better condition) and has a blue label. Apparently there are originals with orange labels as well. Not sure why other than it was probably pressed in more than one location, which was common in Europe in those days.

I've owned the LP since the mid 90s, but the wait for a CD reissue took forever. There are many pirate editions out there for both the LP and CD, so you really have to be careful. If in the market for the CD, be sure it has the cover like the second scan above. It's a fine tri-fold digi-pak, with embossed lettering, and full liner notes (in Serbian) with covers of all their albums including the Kalemegdan LP archival issues of the 90s (which have not yet come out on CD).

2009; 7/7/15 (new entry); 4/4/18

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UMR update

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