Saturday, April 13, 2024

I have a story to tell

I've been sitting on this story for a little over a year. Now is the right time to tell it. It's one of those incredible coincidences and encounters that we sometimes get in life. It's too good not to share with you all, as it's very relevant to this blog.

So... every year I attend our internal sales kickoff conference in Las Vegas (late Feb / early Mar timeframe). I'm not in sales per se, but I support them in my current role. The software company I work for is large, has very deep pockets, and really goes all out for this event. The last night of the conference involves a major shindig of some sort. Last year they rented out half a block of restaurants and venues including the Brooklyn Bowl, which was the original destination and we would spread out from there.

To get there from our resort hotel, they provide dozens of shuttle buses (there's close to 5,000 people at this event). Typically you would "meet up" with peers and friends and then ride over together. Being the random type of guy that I am, I just wandered over by myself and let's see what happens. I sat down next to a young man (heck - grandpa here is older than most of my peers these days), and started chatting. Turns out he's from Germany and is one of our sales reps there. As with anyone you have a common bond with, the conversation turns more lively as you learn about each other. Naturally we start with our jobs and the company we're with, and then it moves in various directions (family, food, drink, travel, culture, etc...). Our conversation carried pass the bus, the walk to the venue, and then inside the bowling alley. It's one of those finger food events, and we grab a space at the bar, get into some craft beers and food, and continue talking incessantly. Music had wandered in and out of the conversation, but I never expect anyone to know about what I write about here so I rarely broach the topic.

Eventually we start deep diving into music. He knows a lot. So I asked him if he knew what Krautrock was. I mean he's much younger (early to mid 30s) so this would be interesting to see. "Oh yes!" he proclaims. 

"My dad was in a Krautrock band". "Really? Did they record anything?"

"Definitely - they had two albums." "Whaaaat? This is crazy. What was their name?" "xxxx" (to be continued).

Then he offers: "I have many copies of the first album - I'll send one to you." And he did just that. I didn't even own a copy prior, making it that much more special.

After that I ended up bowling with him and the German team. Haha. All this happened because I didn't hang out in my comfort zone.

Tomorrow afternoon or Monday morning I will reveal that group and album.

To close the story, before this year's conference, I began to compose an email so that we could reconnect again. 

He is no longer with the company 😞 He's not even on LinkedIn, the only social media where my real name and photo exist. Overall, a most bizarre and fortuitous encounter.

1 comment:

  1. Great story!

    For me it definitely helps enjoying music from many different countries. I often mention music when I meet people (from) abroad. I may know an artist who is well known locally and people go: How the f* do you know them? Or I may know a total obscurity the locals have never heard of and they go: How the f*ing f* do you know them? Never disappoints as a conversation topic :-)


UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...