Sunday, April 14, 2024

Tiger B. Smith - Tiger Rock. 1972 Germany

And now you know the group and album. I met Holger Schmidt's son. Take away the afro and scraggly beard, and his son looks just like him. Holger passed away in 2016 and we talked about that some as well.

As for the music, it's one of those I discovered later in life after being disappointed with the lightweight We're the Tiger Bunch, which was a pretty easy score in the late 1980s (due to being released on Janus in America). As with Lily, Tiger B. Smith only looked like a glam band, but the music on Tiger Rock is no such thing. It's pure gritty hard rock, done Krautrock style. 'To Hell' is the highlight of the five tracks presented and features molten hot guitar and precision rhythms. 'Tiger Blues' closes in namesake fashion but still rocks the house. Overall a super hard rocker in the Silberbart, Hairy Chapter, Night Sun tradition.

Ownership: LP: 2008 CMV. Single sleeve with poster and postcard. There's a mistake on the label, as Side A should be listed as (this side) rather than (over).

This is copy #25 (I'm sure Holger Schmidt received all the early ones). To be honest, I thought he might even be sending me the original Vertigo (maybe they had multiples of them?). We didn't discuss it and it really doesn't matter to me. Whichever copy he sends will remain the treasure of the collection. And so it is this version that will remain with me to the end.

4/14/24 (new entry)

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UMR update

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