Friday, April 5, 2024

Malady - Ainavihantaa. 2021 Finland

Ainavihantaa is Malady's 3rd album and is a continuation of their foray into the waters of retro progressive rock. Some quotes from my notes of their prior two releases:

"One of the common complaints I often hear regarding the "retro prog" movement is that the various bands that attempt it either 1) use new instrumentation to emulate old sounds or 2) use newer production techniques, even if the instrumentation is authentic. I have no such qualms, but for those where 1) and 2) are a problem, then Malady is the remedy for your... (cough) malady. Hammond organ, flute, loud acid guitar, woody bass, vocals in Finnish... you know the drill by now.  This is an album that sounds like it was recorded and released in 1973. If groups with names like Tasavallan Presidentti, Kalevala, Nimbus, and Fantasia get your heart started, well then, do I have an album for you..." (OK, that was the whole review lol. But it applies here...)

"As I stated on the notes for that debut, Malady is a band that have truly captured the sound and essence of the early 1970s. And they are defiantly Finnish at that, so the country's own progressive rock heritage is brought to the fore. Like their ancestors, Malady are not in a hurry to prove a point, but rather they invite you into their world, with strange shapes, dynamics, and colors."

Remember what I said on the latest Agusa album about putting on a pair of your favorite jeans? That's Malady. Whereas Agusa takes me to new heights, Malady feels comfortable. Like watching an old episode of Rockford Files rather than something more challenging, even if it's based in old school principles (say... Bosch for example). The question then becomes how many pair of comfy jeans do I need to own? That's going to be a debate coming in the not so distant future. We'll have to review this one with a more critical ear. For now... I'm good.

Ownership: CD: 2021 Svart. Jewel case with lyrics and band photo.

4/4/24 (new entry)

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