Friday, October 16, 2020

The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute. 2005 USA-Texas

Until now I didn't realize one could get 4 hours of music onto a single disc. Or at least it seems like it. I purchased this when it first came out, and haven't heard it since (sound familiar?). All I remember about it was the music was complex and they created a hell of a lot of racket. After just absorbing it again, what I remember shortly thereafter is... it's complex and they create a hell of a lot of racket.

It's not that they aren't qualified musicians - far from it really - it's that the composition style is chaos versus order. And melodies are optional. It's like Led Zeppelin playing the music of Thinking Plague. To be honest, it's the former that I enjoy most about The Mars Volta. They are an excellent hard rock band. Prog? Not so much. The music doesn't ever breathe, constantly being suffocated under a pillow screaming for air. One has to admire the sheer audacity of attempting music such as this, especially for a band that was in the midst of commercial success. It's not like I have a collection full of bands that sound like The Mars Volta. I also have their debut and 3rd album, of which the latter will be reevaluated soon enough. For now, I think Frances the Mute qualifies as "unique", and thus stays with the collection.

Ownership: CD: 2005 Universal / / Gold Standard Laboratories. This might be the only CD I bought at a "big box" store in the last 20 years.

5//05 (first listen); 10/16/20 (review / new entry)

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